Pigeon Point Chaperones

Thank you for volunteering to be a chaperone for your student’s class trip to Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools at Pigeon Point. The Pigeon Point program offers three day programs to students 3rd-8th grade from all over California. Based at the Pigeon Point Lighthouse, students and chaperones stay in accommodations on the Pacific Ocean provided by Hostelling International.


Parent chaperone volunteers help supervise the class both at the lighthouse and at the various teaching locations, and are responsible for the well being and safety for the students throughout their entire stay. Parent chaperones are often responsible for the safe transport of students to and from the teaching locations. This volunteer opportunity rewards chaperones with the smiles of students visiting new places, new experiences in nature, and enjoying the experience with your child’s class that creates memories that will last a lifetime.




For more information on the duties and and responsibilities of being a parent chaperone at Pigeon Point, please see the reach out to your teacher for the Chaperone Handbook that outlines in depth the expectations of our chaperones. Feel free to e-mail the Pigeon Point Program Director, Hawk with any questions you may have about being a chaperone for your child’s school.