The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are an exciting nationally developed framework for science education that is currently being implemented in California primary and secondary schools. NGSS concepts taught by naturalists at Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools provide experiential learning with hands-on activities to support teachers in the classroom. These new learning standards greatly increase the depth of how students learn about science, and directly support their lessons. (Click on the infographic at left for the full size)
The Next Generation Science Standards consist of Science and Engineering Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Disciplinary Core Ideas as seen in the graphic designed by Exploring New Horizons above. This graphic demonstrates how the inquiry-based lessons taught at Exploring New Horizons support the Science and Engineering Practices and Crosscutting Concepts, which directly relate to a variety of lessons taught at Outdoor School. Themes such as energy flow and cycles are addressed each week in a variety of hands-on, real-life settings. Themes such as patterns, structure and function are crosscutting concepts that can be examined and observed in the variety of ecosystems visited at Outdoor School, such as in the tidepools and in the redwood forest. Overall, the Next Generation Science Standards provide us with an opportunity to work with classroom teachers to use the content taught at Outdoor School as a launching point for more enriching learning in the classroom.
If you have any additional questions about NGSS at Exploring New Horizons, contact us! We want to ensure a rich educational experience for all students that attend our Outdoor School programs.