Exploring New Horizon Outdoor Schools believe that every child deserves to experience the magic of discovery and the joy of learning in the natural world. Your tax-deductible gift makes a lasting life-long impression in these children’s lives. Investing in their future is the best gift you an give. Please give generously today.
Our programs introduce children to the transformative experience of learning from nature. Annually, your gifts supports our extensive scholarship program that allows over 1000 underserved children the opportunity to learn and grow in the rich, unplugged environments of the central coast. By encouraging and promoting respect for themselves and the world around them, we inspire a new generation of young stewards that can appreciate and care for the natural world.
$25: Provides one underserved class a set of Student Field Journals.
$50: Purchase a pair of field binoculars for students to observe and learn about birds along the California coast.
$100: Helps reduce our traditional fee for one student.
$290: Covers the cost of one student to attend outdoor school for 5-days.
$600: Provides transportation for 75 students to explore the California Coast.
Donations can be made through our website. Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools is a 501 (c) (3). All gifts are tax-deductible in accordance with the IRS.