The Saints week 11/11-14/08

Few weeks come together like the one I just experienced. We had a beautiful week of sunshine, moonshine, ocean love and the freshness of a forest after the rain. The St. Edward’s, St. Theresa’s and St. Joachim communities came together with kindness and clarity. Much love and respect to the children, teachers and parent chaperones..


Martinez hot spot 11/4-7/08

The Martinez week was glorious after about 4 inches of rain fell the weekend before. This hot spot includes fungus and salamanders which will become the norm as the winter rains begin to fall. The greatest highlight of the week was that ALL of the students witnessed the dancing of the whales during both beach..


Mohr Hot Spot 9/23-26

Mohr was our first Pleasanton school group to visit for the year.  What a beautiful week!  We celebrated the fall equinox by being aware of the abundance of life that is present during this time of the year.  The garden is definitely awake and alive.  The students were able to taste the bounty of our garden and..