
To donate to Exploring New Horizons Outdoor Schools, please choose one of the following options:

  • Online donation — Use a credit card to donate now online.
  • Postal mail — Please send checks addressed to: Exploring New Horizons, 101 Cooper Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 (please include your name, phone, address and email)
  • E-mail pledge — Make a pledge today, and follow through at your convenience, using the kit we send you.
  • Corporate Donation — If you are making an individual donation, check with your company and see if they offer matching funds.
  • In Kind Donation — Each campus has a wish list of items that would make the students experience even more enjoyable — everything from rain gear and binoculars to organic seeds and an all-terrain wheelchair. Contact the Exploring New Horizons main office at (831) 252-6685 to request a current wish list, or check out our online wish list below (
  • By special arrangement — Call our main office at (831) 252-6685

Your tax-deductible donation will help ensure that more students have the opportunity to explore and learn about the natural world!